News - June 2022:
Since the advent of the pandemic, I have not done as much as in the past. However, I do keep busy with various assingments and projects.
For 2022 - 2023:
I was honored this past summer to be the keynote speaker at the Leesburg Garden Club annual banquet. I had so much fun with this group and my program, “Confessions of a Professional Nature Photographer,” was a big success.
My image of nesting ruffed grouse was included the WV DNR 2024 annual calendar.
West Virginia Magazine used three of my images for an article in the 2023 September issue.
Defenders of Wildlife used my image of a bison cow and calf for their 2023 calendar
My image of a bison cow with her calf at Yellowstone National Park was selected for the 2022-23 Defenders of Wildlife Annual Calendar.
In last summer 2023, I was guest speaker at the Ashby Ponds Camera Club.
My last workshop was in October 2019 at the Chincoteague Bay Field Station and my last seminar presentation was for Wild Birds Unlimited in Ashburn, Virginia in February 2020. A week or so later, the pandemic hit. All my scheduled workshops and events were cancelled.
The years 2020-21, however, were not a total bust for my photography and writing. I continued to contribute images to the Loudoun Wildlife Conservancy for their website, on-line native plant guide and northern Virginia wildlife gardening database, You Tube channel, and quarterly magazine, Habitat Herald.
The Riverside Regional Medical Center in Newport News, Virginia used my image of three black skimmers for a permanent exhibit at their new pavilion annex.
Virginia Wildlife magazine used two of my images (a nesting ruffed grouse and a sika elk) for their 2021 Wildlife Calendar.
Defenders of Wildlife selected a few of my polar bear images for their annual membership card and the front cover of their 2021 annual report.
The North American Nature Photography Association invited me to co-author and submit images for their e-book Bird Photography Handbook. I authored an article about photographing wading birds.
The West Virginia Department of Natural Resources selected several of my bird images for their West Virginia Breeding Bird Atlas.
Lastly, I spent most of 2020 & 2021 revisiting five years worth of images from my photo-shoots and workshops at Yellowstone National Park from 2007 - 2011. I started this project in March 2021 and by late December 2021, I was finished. I used various editing programs, including Lightroom, Luminar 4 & Neo, and DXO’s Photolab 7 and Nik Collection, primarily Color Efex Pro 6. The images in the Yellowstone and Bison galleries were edited with these programs. In 2022 I just started revisiting all my years of photography from West Virginia and using the same software to re-edit selected images. Simply amazing what these new and updated software programs can do for bringing out the best in your nature photography! I have since updated all these software programs and as expected, they all keep getting better and better. Even the new update to Nikon’s free editing software NX Studio is great for editing Nikon NEF files.